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TOPIC: Kommentar zu Lehles Artikel(10): Trümmerteile

Kommentar zu Lehles Artikel(10): Trümmerteile 15 Mar 2012 18:03 #2382

  • stefanlebkon
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Lehle schrieb:
Des weiteren gibt es auch Fotoaufnahmen von Trümmerteilen eines Flugzeuges - sowohl innerhalb des Pentagons wie außerhalb - und Augenzeugenberichte, die diese Funde bestätigen. Die Trümmerteile wären nach Ansicht von CIT "gepflanzt" worden, wofür keinerlei Beweise vorliegen. Es gibt einige Zeugenaussagen dafür, dass Trümmerteile entfernt oder gestohlen wurden, jedoch keine, dass Trümmerteile im oder vor dem Pentagon im Vorfeld des Anschlages "verteilt" wurden.

Der Feuerwehr-Kommandant Ed Plaugher wurde am 12. September 2001 während einer Pressekonferenz gefragt, ob vom Flugzeug irgendetwas übrig wäre. Er antwortete, dass es einige kleinere Flugzeugteile gäbe, aber keine großen Teile ("sections") vom Flugzeugrumpf oder solche Dinge.

"Is there anything left of the aircraft at all?" said:
... "there are some small pieces of aircraft ... there's no fuselage sections and that sort of thing."

Auf der anderen Seite wussten Feuerwehrmänner im Pentagon, die Trümmerteile nicht eindeutig eines Flugzeuges zuzuordnen.

“Denis Griffin . . . had been working in the aftermath of the attack all day, and seen wreckage that looked like it could be from an airplane, but there were so many wild stories going around that he wasn’t sure what to believe.”

Die Trümmerteile wären nach Ansicht von CIT "gepflanzt" worden, wofür keinerlei Beweise vorliegen. Es gibt einige Zeugenaussagen dafür, dass Trümmerteile entfernt oder gestohlen wurden, jedoch keine, dass Trümmerteile im oder vor dem Pentagon im Vorfeld des Anschlages "verteilt" wurden.

CIT hat nirgendwo als Tatsache behauptet, dass diese Trümmer gepflanzt wurden. Es könnte auch sein, dass die Trümmer in einem der Trailer vor dem Pentagon oder im Gebäude selbst gelagert und durch die Explosion auf die Wiese geschleudert wurden.

Es gab auch Trümmer auf der Wiese, die nicht unbedingt vom Flugzeug stammen mussten

Es gibt einige Zeugenaussagen dafür, dass Trümmerteile entfernt oder gestohlen wurden, jedoch keine, dass Trümmerteile im oder vor dem Pentagon im Vorfeld des Anschlages "verteilt" wurden.

Es gibt bis jetzt auch keinen einzigen Zeugen, der gesehen haben will, wie Sprengsätze im WTC installiert wurden. Lehle sollte das als Sprengungstheoretiker eigentlich wissen. Eine Verschwörung, die in der Lage ist in einem Gebäudekomplex wie dem WTC (in dem 50000 Menschen arbeiten) hunderte Tonnen Sprengstoff unbemerkt anzubringen, soll also nicht in der Lage gewesen sein, höchstens eine LKW- Ladung Flugzeugschrott ins Pentagon zu schmuggeln? Dass relativ wenige erkennbare Flugzeugtrümmer geborgen wurde, wird sogar von führenden Vertretern der Wahrheitsbewegung und CIT- Kritikern wie Jim Hoffman anerkannt:

Leider gibt Lehle keine Quelle für die Zeugen an, die gesehen haben wollen,wdie Flugzeugtrümmer gestohlen wurden. Die Quelle ist folgende:

(After 10:15 a.m.) September 11, 2001: Police See People, Including Military Personnel, Stealing Debris from Pentagon Crash Site
Two Pentagon police officers see people--some of them members of the military--stealing crash debris from in front of the Pentagon. After the Pentagon was hit, Lt. Robbie Turner had been helping the injured at a triage area. When, at around 10:15 a.m., reports are received of a possible second plane heading for the Pentagon (see (10:15 a.m.-10:38 a.m.) September 11, 2001), he sets about evacuating people away from there. As this is going on, he later recalls: "[W]e had to try to collect up evidence, as much of the evidence as we possibly could. Take pictures of it or whatever." However, some people are apparently trying to steal plane debris from the road in front of the Pentagon. According to Turner, "[W]e had to try to stop other people from pilfering the wreckage because, believe it or not, there were people--military personnel involved--you know, included, rather, that was picking up the wreckage of the plane from off the highway as we were running away." [Library of Congress, 12/3/2001] Later on in the day, around 3:00 p.m., another Pentagon police officer, Roosevelt Roberts Jr., is called to the heliport near where the Pentagon was hit, and remains there for the next 13 hours. He will recall that, during this time, "we had a lot of people vandalizing, stealing evidence." He does not specify who these people are, or what this "evidence" is that is being stolen and vandalized. [Library of Congress, 11/30/2001]

Nur einer der beiden Zeugen. Lt. Robbie Turner gibt speziell Flugzeugtrümmer an. Da aufgrund der Diebstähle nicht mehr nachgeprüft werden kann, ob es sich tatsächlich um Trümmerteile des Flugzeugs handelte, bleibt offen, ob Turners Beobachtung korrekt ist. Bis heute sind diese Trümmerteile nicht aufgetaucht. Bis heute wurden keien Ermittlungen gegen die Personen, die angeblich Flugzeugtrümmer stahlen geführt. Niemand wurde bis heute wegen Diebstahl von Beweisen verhaftet, angeklagt und verurteilt. Warum sind Turner und seine Kollegen später nicht gegen diese Diebe vorgegangen. War ihnen das Sichern von Beweisen doch nicht so wichtig. Da Turners Verhalten so viele Fragen aufwirft, bleibt die Frage, ob die gestohlenen Trümmer vom Flugzeug stammen.Theoretisch hätten sie auch vom Gebäude, vom Dieselgenerator, einer Global Hawk oder einer Bombe stammen können ?

Bei einigen Trümmerteilen scheinen alle Nieten säuberlich enternt worden zu sein, was auf eine Manipulation hindeuten könnte. Oder war das nur Zufall?:

Das berühmte Trümmerteil mit dem "C" war vor 10.06 Uhr noch nciht an der Stelle, wo es später offenbar geborgen wurde. Wurde es verlegt oder "gepflanzt"?

Es gibt auch ein Foto, dass unbefugte Personen mit Trümmerteilen in den Händen zeigt. Hier kann es sich nicht um FBI- ermittler handeln, die bei solchen Prozeduren Handschuhe tragen. Verlegen sie Trümmer? "Pflanzen sie Trümmer?

Trümmer auf der Wiese zu verteilen gab es Gelegenheit genug, das Pentagongeländewurde mindestens einmal am 11.9. wegen eines falschen Alarms evakuiert:

Ab 20:08:
REPORTER: Derek, we know you guys are trained to do two things: put out fires and save lives. How frustrating was it for you as an individual to have this fire continue to burn?

DEREK SPECTOR: I think it wasn't so much the frustration of it continuing to burn. The frustration that we had was that we had to keep evacuating the structure because we had more reports of more planes and-- and possible, uh-- somebody trying to continue to do, uh, more damage to the Pentagon, and that kept-- kept withdrawing us from the scene and we-- that was probably the most frustrating thing about the whole thing.1

ED FLYNN, ARLINGTON COUNTY POLICE CHIEF: Alright, finally I'm going to introduce Lieutenant Robert Medairos. He was our first incident commander at the scene.

LT. ROBERT MEDAIROS: Good Evening. My name's Lieutenant Robert Medairos, M-E-D-A-I-R-O-S, with the Arlington County Police Department here in Arlington Virginia.

During this incident, um, I was at the station talking to the security from the USA Today building. They had some concerns reference what happened in New York. Also, I was gathering some intelligence from our intel people to see what kind of intelligence that we had reference to this area; if we had any more threats.

Uh, at that time I heard Officer Foust give out the broadcast that he saw a plane that, uh, just crashed. Uh, at that time, we immediately left the station and responded down here to the Pentagon. Uh, we arrived within minutes after the crash, over here at south parking lot. Uh, at that time, I was the Watch Commander for the day, in charge of the County. I set up our incident command and began a staging area for us, uh, basically, and, uh, we took command of the traffic for outside of the, uh, Pentagon, and we immediately shut everything down with the officers that we had, uh, to control the flow of traffic coming in and going out. Um, then we had the second threat within ten minutes of the-- the crash, that a second plane was coming in. Then we had to move the command post and also try to evacuate everybody who was coming out of the Pentagon and also who began to gather on the outskirts. And, my first thought was I couldn't believe what happened. And, they said that it was a plane, and I didn't see any pieces of any plane and I couldn't believe that a plane hit the building.

Uh, we then set up our incident command, tried to assist with the evacuation of the building and also set up a perimeter to control the trow of fla-- uh, [flow of] trarffic coming in and out of the, uh, area. Uh, and then command was taken over by Captain Hackney and then Deputy Chief Hall of the police department. And we've been here since then.

REPORTER: Can you tell me how many times there was a concern of other planes coming [inaud] you had mentioned it a couple times [inaud].

MEDIAROS: Yeah, they were concerned. There was reports that there was-- there was at least three more planes that weren't accounted for. And, then we had a report that a plane was coming down the Potomac and it was within 10 minutes, and we immediately tried to evacuate through our PA systems, especially with the people that were gathering to get them out of the area for their safety.

REPORTER: Have you since learned what the basis of that [inaud] was?

MEDAIROS: I couldn't hear you. Excuse me?

REPORTER: Have you since learned why they thought the plane coming down the Potomac was [inaud]--

MEDAIROS: No, we just got a report over the radio that there was another plane coming, and that there were also three others that wre outstanding and unaccounted for, um, during this incident.

Bis heute sind die Wrackteile der an 9/11 verwendeten Flugzeuge unter verschluss und sind der Öffentlichkeit nicht zugänglich, obwohl das in anderen Fällen durchaus der Fall war, wie Dirk Gerhardt aka Sitting Bull in seiner Kritik zur Sendung „Vorsicht Verschwörung!" von ZDFZeit anmerkt:
Das Wrack von Flug 93 bleibt bis heute unter Verschluss.
Gibt es doch etwas zu verbergen?

Ähnlich scheint es bei den anderen am 11.9. verwendeten Flugzeugen zu sein.

Man vergleiche das mit den Medienzugang zum Wrack des Lockerbieattentats:

Es wurden außerdem verdächtige Personen am 11.9.01 und den Tagen danach im und am Pentagon beobachtet, die beim "Pflanzen" oder Manipulation von Beweismaterial am Pentagon eien Rolle gepielt haben könnten.

Es wurden kurz nach dem "Crash" Personen beobachtet, die zwar wie Feuerwehrmänenr gekleidet waren, sich aber nicht wie professionelle Feuerwehrmänner.
(Between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.) September 11, 2001: Mystery Firefighters Seen Behaving Oddly inside Pentagon
A mysterious fire crew is witnessed inside the Pentagon, behaving completely at odds with how firefighters are trained to act. [Creed and Newman, 2008, pp. 137] Chad Stamps is a firefighter with Rescue 104 of the Arlington County Fire Department. [National Fire and Rescue, 5/2002] Along with his crew, he has been fighting fires on the second floor of the Pentagon's outer E Ring. With fires burning around him, he is astonished to see another crew walk past, carrying two packs of hose line, apparently on its way to fight fires elsewhere in the Pentagon. Describing this incident, authors Patrick Creed and Rick Newman will point out: "Firefighters are trained never to go through a fire without putting it out, since it might seal off your exit. You might as well walk into a burning room and lock the door behind you. Yet there they went." Seeing the crew passing by, Stamps thinks, "This is totally disjointed." [Creed and Newman, 2008, pp. 137] The odd behavior of this crew is perhaps notable because there is at least one reported incident of fake firefighters being caught at the Pentagon following the attack there: On September 12, three people will be arrested who are not firefighters, yet who are dressed in firefighting gear (see September 12, 2001). [Goldberg et al., 2007, pp. 170]

Handelt es sich hier um Personen, die sich als Feuerwehrmänner getarntt hatten? Dies wird noch durch die Tatsache wahrscheinlicher, dass offiziell 1 Tag später tatsächlich Männer als Feuerwehrmänenr verkleidet verhaftet wurden.
September 12, 2001: People Disguised as Firefighters Arrested at Pentagon
The Defense Protective Service (DPS)--the law enforcement agency that guards the Pentagon--arrests three people at the Pentagon who are dressed in firefighting gear but are not firefighters. Further details of who these people are and why they are at the Pentagon are unstated. John Jester, the chief of the DPS, later reflects: "When you have a major event, certain people are like moths around a light bulb. They come to the scene as thrill seekers." Reportedly, incident command, DPS, and FBI officials are worried by the "absence of an effective identification system to control the large number of people that [are passing] through the outer perimeter fence to support firefighting and recovery operations" at the Pentagon. [Goldberg et al., 2007, pp. 170]

Woher hatten diese "thrillseekers" so schnell ihre Uniformen her? Und wurden die Feuerwehrmänner übergeprüft, die sich während der löscharbeiten so ungewöhnlich verhielten?

Um 24 Urh am 11.9.01 wurden die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen am Pentagon verschärft:
By 2400 on the 11th, the FBI had established the Joint Operations Center (JOC) at Fort Myer, VA. By 6:00 AM a tent city had begun to appear in the South Parking lot which included command posts, supporting elements and contractors. DPS began using a portable badging system to improve the identification and access security system. This system did not work well enough and later the Secret Service provided a 6-8 station system operated partially by members of the Army Band. At first only one color of badge was used, but subsequently this evolved to several colors to differentiate various types of access.

Trotz dieser verschärften Sicherheitskontrollen konnten sich noch verdächtige Personen bis zum 14. 9. Zugang zum Gelände verschaffen. Diese Verdächtige person stellt sich als "Johnny" vor

September 12-14, 2001: Apparently Fake Military Official Helps with Pentagon Recovery, then Disappears
A mysterious man, who is initially assumed to be working for the military, assists firefighters involved in the Pentagon recovery efforts, but then disappears without trace and is thought to have been an impostor who had managed to slip inside the Pentagon grounds.
"Johnny" - Arlington firefighter Bob Gray is introduced by his colleague Bobby Beer to a man wearing a hard hat. Beer introduces the man only as "Johnny," and adds, "He's our go-between with PenRen [the Pentagon Renovation Program], and he knows some of the military guys too." Although "Johnny" is not wearing any identifying badge or ID, he seems knowledgeable, appears "taut and serious, with a purposeful military stance," and even introduces Gray and Beer to a couple of friends of his who say they work for Special Forces. Johnny says if Gray and Beer need anything from the military, he can help. As a security perimeter has now been set up around the crash site, Gray assumes Johnny must be there officially. [Creed and Newman, 2008, pp. 367-368]
Disappears - Johnny turns out to be very helpful and assists Gray and Beer repeatedly. But, on the evening of September 14, he suddenly disappears. Gray and Beer ask around, but no one at the Pentagon seems to know exactly who Johnny is or what his last name is, and none of the agencies involved in the recovery effort say he worked for them. Johnny's disappearance appears to follow an error he had made after firefighters discovered two bodies inside the Pentagon's E Ring. Johnny mistakenly called the truck used to remove bodies to the temporary morgue prematurely, before FBI agents had the chance to photograph and document the remains. Gray and Beer start to wonder if Johnny in fact had no official standing, and was an impostor.
Clearance - According to authors Patrick Creed and Rick Newman, "It wasn't unusual at high-profile crime scenes for law-enforcement pretenders to show up and insinuate themselves into the work." Johnny would have required "some kind of clearance to get through the concentric security perimeters that sprung up around the building--unless he'd been inside the wire before security tightened. It was possible that he had wandered in at the very beginning and simply stayed--there was enough food, water, and basic support on the scene to survive for days. Somebody who was determined enough to sleep inside one of the tents, or even on the grass, could easily have bypassed security."
Tighter Security - However, the FBI has now become stricter about security, and is ushering out volunteers and scrutinizing anyone without airtight credentials. Gray and Beer conclude that Johnny may have come to the attention of the FBI when he called the body truck, leading agents to inquire who he was, and this could have prompted his disappearance from the Pentagon. [Creed and Newman, 2008, pp. 416-418]

"Johnny" und seine Freunde der Special Forces hatten ungehindert Zugang zum Beweismaterial, in einem bezeugten Fall wollten sie menschliche Überreste wegtransportieren lassen, bevor das FBI sie überhaupt dokumentieren konnte.

Bis heute wurden die trümemrteile weder von NTSB noch vom FBI positiv identifiziert, wichtige Dokumente wie die Angaben der Seriennummer der Black Box wurden nicht erstellt. Aidan Monaghan hat hier mit seinen FOIA- Anträgen Pionierarbeit geleistet

FBI Records Chief Describes Unsuccessful Search For Identifying Records Of 9/11 Aircraft Wreckage & Flight Data Recorders
Within a August 11, 2008 Freedom of Information Act appeal reply from the National Transportation Safety Board, the NTSB affirms that it possesses no records pertaining to positively identified wreckage recovered from the 4 aircraft involved in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Such wreckage includes the Flight Data Recorders attributed by the NTSB in Factual Reports to American Airlines flight 77 and United Airlines flight 93.

With flight data recorder serial number data that is virtually always provided within NTSB reports of major U.S. commercial airline crashes that occur within U.S. territory, one can trace an installed device to a particular registered aircraft through manufacturer or airline records.
The following e-mail was provided by a Susan Stevenson of the NTSB on 12/26/2007, in response to a 12/16/2007 public correspondence e-mail inquiry:

"Yes. NTSB investigators rarely encounter a scenario when the identification of an accident aircraft is not apparent. But during those occasions, investigators will record serial numbers of major components, and then contact the manufacturer of those components in an attempt to determine what aircraft the component was installed upon."

Die Datei des Flugdatenschreibers wurde offenbar schon vor der Entdeckung des Flugdatenschreibers heruntergeladen. wie ist das möglich ist?
However, the "FDR" file "American 77" should contain a "modified" or "accessed" time that follows the FDR recovery date and time of Friday, September 14, 2001 at 4am. Instead, the date and time reflected within the file properties for ‎"FDR" file "American 77" is "Thursday, ‎September ‎13, ‎2001, ‏‎11:45:38 PM".

Nach offiziellen Angaben soll der FDR erst 4 Stunden später gefunden worden sein
"Searchers on Friday found the flight data and cockpit voice recorders from the hijacked plane that flew into the Pentagon and exploded, Department of Defense officials said. The two "black boxes," crucial to uncovering details about the doomed flight's last moments, were recovered at about 4 a.m., said Army Lt. Col. George Rhynedance, a Pentagon spokesman."
At around 3:40 a.m., investigators at the Pentagon recover the two “black boxes” from Flight 77. [Washington Times, 9/14/2001] These boxes are the plane’s flight data recorder and its cockpit voice recorder. [BBC, 9/15/2001] Some news reports claim they are found by two Fairfax County firefighters, Carlton Burkhammer and Brian Moravitz, as they comb through debris near the IMPACT site. [Washington Post, 9/19/2001; Newsweek, 9/28/2001] But according to Arlington County spokesman Dick Bridges, members of the FBI’s evidence response team find them. [PBS, 9/14/2001; Washington Post, 9/14/2001] Authors Patrick Creed and Rick Newman will later clarify that Burkhammer and Moravitz find an object initially believed to be one of the black boxes, but closer inspection reveals it to be just “a charred chunk of machinery.”

Es gibt auch widersprüchliche Aussagen bzgl. der Angaben wo und von wem der FDR gefunden worden sein soll.

The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) was found early in the morning of September 14, 2001. Government reports indicate the FDR was found at the entrance hole of the collapsed E ring. "...the two spotted an intact seat from the plane’s cockpit with a chunk of the floor still attached. Then they saw two odd-shaped dark boxes, about 1.5 by 2 feet long.... Pentagon officials said the recorders, also called "black boxes" were found around 3:40 a.m. under mounds of wreckage in the collapsed part of the building.." (MSNBC Sept 28). "Dick Bridges, a spokesman for Arlington County, Va...said the recorders were found 'right where the plane came into the building.'" (PBS - Sept 14).
However, The ASCE Building Performance Report and a new book published by the Dept Of Defense claims the FDR was found at the exit hole in the C-Ring. "[FDR] found in the building near the hole in the inner C Ring wall leading to A-E Drive." (Undertow quoting new DoD Book).
Why are there conflicts in the government story of where the FDR was found? Further, where are the pictures of the '"intact cockpit seat [and] floor" where the two black boxes appeared? Flight Data Recorders and Cockpit Voice Recorders are located in the tail of an aircraft. Not the cockpit. Where are the pictures of the "black boxes" laying in the rubble prior to being removed as is with every other aircraft accident investigation?


Siehe auch onesliceshort:

The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) was found early in the morning of September 14, 2001. Government reports indicate the FDR was found at the entrance hole of the collapsed E ring. "...the two spotted an intact seat from the plane’s cockpit with a chunk of the floor still attached. Then they saw two odd-shaped dark boxes, about 1.5 by 2 feet long....
They’d been told the plane’s “black boxes” would in fact be bright orange, but these were charred black. The boxes had handles on one end and one was torn open. They cordoned off the area and called for an FBI agent, who in turn called for someone from the National Transportation Safety Board who confirmed the find: the black boxes from American Airlines Flight 77. “We wanted to find live victims,” says Burkhammer. But this was a consolation prize. “Finding the black box gave us a little boost,” he says.

There´s quite a difference between them find ´a charred chunk of machinery and what is described above.
Note they were reported found at E Ring, the ´impact´ site.
The story gets changed to this :

Subsequently, FBI photographer Jennifer Hill finds the cockpit voice recorder in a stack of rubble while assisting searchers. Thirty minutes later, a National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) expert locates the flight data recorder in the same area. [Creed and Newman, 2008, pp. 396-397 and 400-402].


But Allyn Kilsheimer, a structural engineer who helps coordinate the emergency response at the Pentagon, later claims he had “found the black box,” which, he says, he had “stepped on… by accident.” [GW Magazine, 3/2002; Popular Mechanics, 3/2005].

Stepped on in a pile of rubble?

Washington FBI agent Christopher Combs says, “Somebody almost threw [the black boxes] away because they didn’t know what they looked like.” [Disaster News Network, 10/30/2002]

Throw evidence away? Who was this ´somebody´? And who told him/her what it actually was?

Allyn Kilsheimer makes another incredible comment:

Allyn Kilsheimer, a structural engineer who arrives at the Pentagon at about 5:00 p.m., later recalls: “I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane.” [POPULAR MECHANICS, 3/2005; GOLDBERG ET AL., 2007, PP. 100]

Allyn on steroids or what? And why to this day are there no photos of this ´tail section´?

Allyn Kilsheimer will die Heckflosse der Boeing in ihren Händen gehalten haben?
Last Edit: 27 May 2012 14:10 by stefanlebkon.
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Re: Kommentar zu Lehles Artikel(10): Trümmerteile 05 Jun 2012 21:08 #2439

  • stefanlebkon
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Wo fing die Inszenierung an?

Ein Foto von Jason ingersoll zeigt einen Feuerwehrmann mit einer intakten US- Flagge, die offenbar im Westflügel gefunden wurde, sehr symbolträchtig:

Die Bildbeschreibung lautet:

firefighter places an American flag on his firetruck. The flag was found undamaged inside the Pentagon after a hijacked airliner crashed into the building, Sept. 11, 2001. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Jason Ingersoll

Leider ist der Originallink nicht mehr existent:

Captain Ingledue will einen intakten Pass eines der Passagiere von AA77 in den Trümmern gefunden haben:
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Re: Kommentar zu Lehles Artikel(10): Trümmerteile 23 Sep 2014 17:29 #3051

  • stefanlebkon
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Um die offizielle "Crashseite" fand am 10. und 11.09. intensive, geheime Regierungsaktivität statt.
Der Secret Service war an diesen beiden Tagen vor Ort,
am 10. für den Abflug von Päsident Bush (er hatte das Pentagon besucht)und
am 11. für Präsident Bushs Rückkehr ins Pentagon am Mittag des 11.09. vorzubereiten. Bush sollte am Dulles Airport landen und dann pser Helikopter zum Pentagon fliegen- und auf dem Helikopterplatz landen, wo der "Einschlag" stattgefunden haben soll.

Der Heliport Controller Sean Boger berichtete:
On September 10th, it was kind of busy because the President flew out. He flew out that Monday, and whenever the President flies out, it is always a dog and pony show, you know.

You have got the Secret Service guys coming around and the dogs sniffing, and everything. So it was kind of like a big old deal. And so on September 10th, you know it was really kind of busy. And he was scheduled to come back on September 11th.

So we know it was going to be another dog and pony show, but we didn't think it was going to happen that soon.

Feuerwehrchef Alan Wallace war an den Vorbereitungen beteiligt
Our first helicopter flight was around 10 AM. But we were expecting President George W. Bush to land in Marine One around 12 Noon, returning from Jacksonville, Florida. (He had actually left from the Pentagon the day before.) Needless to say, neither flight arrived at the Pentagon that day because of the terrorist attacks

]Attack on the Pentagon: The initial fire & EMS response
By Michael J. Ward

The morning of September 11, Fort Myer (VA) fire department firefighters Allan Wallace, Mark Skipper and Dennis Young were staffing Foam 161 at the Pentagon heliport in preparation for a scheduled afternoon visit from the president. Wallace had just moved the 2000 Emergency-One Titan 4x4 foam unit (Foam 161) out of the garage and positioned it to face the heliport.

From – The Online Emergency Services Resource
PDF version:

Am Morgen des 11.09. befand sich folglich der Secret Service vor Ort:

Allan Wallace Personal Statement

As I said, we were expecting Pres. Bush about noon, which would be a Code One Standby. In such situations, one of the problems I see at the heliport is that there are too many people there. Plus there are many vehicles, including Secret Service, Pentagon SWAT, U.S. Park Police, D.C. cops on motorcycles, and the two Presidential limousines. And some of these vehicles even park in front of the fire station apparatus door, blocking the fire truck from exiting the building! That is why I wanted the crash truck out of the station and parked in a good location, for easy access to the Heliport in the case of an emergency.
Days of Deception by William Thomas

The confusion could be coming from an anticipated VIP helicopter arrival. With President Bush previously scheduled to take his Marine One helicopter directly to the Pentagon from nearby Dulles International on his return from Florida, Secret Service personnel are swarming around the Pentagon helipad.
Chaplain Returns to Minister to Pentagon after 9/11
By Fred W. Baker III
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11, 2007

Six years ago, Army Chaplain (Col.) William Broome stared in disbelief as he ran toward a burning Pentagon from his Crystal City office to minister to those injured and the families of those who died.
At the time of the attacks, Broome was one of many displaced to other area office spaces because of renovations to the Pentagon. Had it been complete, he may have been one of the victims.

At the office, as the assignment officer for chaplains working for the Chief of Chaplains, he set about a routine of checking emails and returning phone calls. Broome’s wife and daughter were scheduled to tour the Pentagon that day.
Minutes later news flashed across the screen that the Pentagon had been hit by a jet. Knowing his services would be needed, Broome took off toward the crash site with a handful of fellow chaplains. (my comment: Crystal City is about a mile south of the Pentagon).

The chaplain called the scene “surreal” and said it was hard to comprehend an attack on the Pentagon.

“As we turned the corner to the crash site, we saw the wreckage of the plane, clothes, and such all over the place – flames coming out of the building, people running, some standing, some crying, most trying to help. We got there just as the wall collapsed, which caused a loud cry to go out in the crowd,” he said (my comment: the collapse occurred in several stages during 09:57 - 10:15).

“We ran most of the way and were going against the crowd as most were leaving and evacuating the building. We were stopped by security and secret service, but explained that as chaplains we needed to be there to minister to the crowds,” Broome said.

Zum Zeitpunkt der Pentagonattacke befanden sich also Regierungsagenten, hauptsächlich Secret Service direkt vor Ort. Sie hatten Kontrolle über den Tatort.

Seltsamerweise wurden in den Veröffentlichungen der Regierung die Besuche Bushs am Pentagon und die Aktivitäten am Heliport gar nicht erwähnt!

From the White House Press Briefing by Ari Fleischer on Friday, September 7, 2001

Question: Ari, can you tell us about -- preview education week for us?

MR. FLEISCHER: Yes, let me get you the week ahead.
Specifically -- and now let me give you the entire events for the week -- the President on Sunday will participate in a coin toss to kick off the NFL season. That will take place in the Rose Garden on Sunday afternoon (9 September).

On Monday (10 September), the President will go to the Navy Yard with the Prime Minister of Australia for an event and he'll have a working lunch and a meeting with the Prime Minister in the White House. In the afternoon on Monday, the President will continue his focus on reading and education when he travels to Jacksonville, Florida, and then on to Sarasota, Florida.

He'll return to the White House on Tuesday afternoon (11 September), where he will host, in the evening, the Congressional Barbecue on the South Lawn.

Auch der offizielle "After-Action Report" schweigt sich über die Aktivitäten am Heliport aus.
At 9:38 a.m. on September 11, only one fire crew, Foam 161 of the Fort Myer Fire Department, knew the exact location of the crash site. Captain Dennis Gilroy and his team were already on station at the Pentagon when Flight #77 slammed into it, just beyond the heliport. Foam 161 caught fire and suffered a flat tire from flying debris. Firefighters Mark Skipper and Alan Wallace were outside the vehicle at impact and received burns and lacerations. Recovering from the initial shock, they began helping victims climb out of the Pentagon’s first floor windows. Captain Gilroy called the Fort Myer Fire Department, reporting for the first time the actual location of the crash.

ARLINGTON COUNTY: After-Action Report on the Response to the September 11 Terrorist Attack on the Pentagon

b]Auch Militärpersonal befand sich vor Ort[/b], wie Kevin Ryan hervorhebt. Ryan geht in seinem Artikel von einem Einschlag eines ferngesteuerten Flugzeugs in Kombination mit Sprengsätzen im Gebäude aus, weswegen er auch die Verdachtsmomente gegen einige Personen des Militärs im Sinne der Fernsteuerung und der Installation von Bomben unter dem Deckmantel des Renovierungsprojektes deutet, doch hätten sich auch im Rahmen dieser Verdachtsmomente auch Möglichkeiten der Platzierung bzw. Manipulation von Beweismitteln ergeben.

Interessanterweise spielen die Trailer eine Rolle, die vor der Pentagonfassade standen. 3 dieser Trailer tauchen in den offiziellen Darstellungen, auch im "Pentagon Building Performance Report " nicht auf!

Was befand sich in diesen Trailern? Ryan spekuliert, dass es equipment für Fernsteuerung gewesen sei, aber was wenn es z.B. Flugzeugschrott gewesen wäre? Einen Überflug zu riskieren und einen Crash zu faken hätte durchaus Sinn ergeben

Frank Probst ist in dieser Hinsicht interessant, auch für Kevin Ryan.
Probst’s testimony was critical to establishing the official account of what happened.

Probst bestätigt natürlich den Einschlag, sein Bericht ist mit sonderbaren Zufällen gepickt:
Twelve minutes before impact, at 9:25 am, Frank Probst was said to be completing an inspection of computer room air conditioning equipment and a first floor telephone closet just inside the west wall.[46] Afterward, he stopped at a construction trailer outside, near where the plane hit. Images of the scene taken in May 2001 show the construction trailers and other materials located around the point of impact.[47] For some unknown reason, three of the construction trailers that were located immediately outside the impact area were left out of diagrams in the report published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).[48]

At one of the construction trailers, Probst watched the news about the WTC with others there and together they remarked how the Pentagon would be a good target. Probst left the trailer around 9:35 am and the aircraft, originally piloted by long-time Pentagon employee Charles Burlingame but allegedly taken over by Hani Hanjour, came right at him.

Kurz vor der Pentagonattacke soll Probst den Trailer vor der Einschlagsstelle verlassen haben -knapp dem Tode entronnen

Das Flugzeug soll direkt über ihn hinweggeflogen sein:
Probst hit the ground as the aircraft passed just a few feet above him, and he observed the end of the right wing cut through the portable electrical generator that provided backup power to Wedge 1.[51] It is amazing, given this account, that Probst was not injured by the turbulence from the wake of the aircraft. Such aircraft wakes are known to be highly dangerous.

Es ist interessant, dass das Verteidigungsministeriums bei Interviews der 9/11- Kommission 2003 mit Probst und anderen Zeugen Restriktionen auferlegte.

The restrictions that the DOJ insisted upon were that a DOJ attorney must be present during these interviews, a five day warning must be given in each case, and no record could be made, of any kind

Neben 2 Pentagonpolizisten und Frank Probst. gehörte zu den Persone, die von den Restriktionen betroffen waren, Allyn Kilsheimer, der im Ausgangspost zitiert wurde:

Allyn Kilsheimer, a structural engineer who arrives at the Pentagon at about 5:00 p.m., later recalls: “I picked up parts of the plane with the airline markings on them. I held in my hand the tail section of the plane.” [POPULAR MECHANICS, 3/2005; GOLDBERG ET AL., 2007, PP. 100]

Kilsheimer muss wohl Steoroide geschluckt um das leitwerk einer Boeing halten zu können:

Es gibt keine Fotos dieser Heckflosse, auch sonst niemand berichtet von diesem Flugzeugteil. Warum schmückt Kilsheimer seinen Bericht so aus? Um die Geschichte des Flugzeugeinschlags besser verkaufen zu können?

Kilsheimer behauptet auch, die Blackbox von AA77 gefunden zu haben:

But Allyn Kilsheimer, a structural engineer who helps coordinate the emergency response at the Pentagon, later claims he had “found the black box,” which, he says, he had “stepped on… by accident.” [GW Magazine, 3/2002; Popular Mechanics, 3/2005].

dies steht im Widerspruch zu der Aussage von Burkhammer und Fotografin Jennifer Hill:
The Flight Data Recorder (FDR) was found early in the morning of September 14, 2001. Government reports indicate the FDR was found at the entrance hole of the collapsed E ring. "...the two spotted an intact seat from the plane’s cockpit with a chunk of the floor still attached. Then they saw two odd-shaped dark boxes, about 1.5 by 2 feet long....
They’d been told the plane’s “black boxes” would in fact be bright orange, but these were charred black. The boxes had handles on one end and one was torn open. They cordoned off the area and called for an FBI agent, who in turn called for someone from the National Transportation Safety Board who confirmed the find: the black boxes from American Airlines Flight 77. “We wanted to find live victims,” says Burkhammer. But this was a consolation prize. “Finding the black box gave us a little boost,” he says.

Subsequently, FBI photographer Jennifer Hill finds the cockpit voice recorder in a stack of rubble while assisting searchers. Thirty minutes later, a National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) expert locates the flight data recorder in the same area. [Creed and Newman, 2008, pp. 396-397 and 400-402].

3 sich gegenseitig widersprechende Versionen zur Entdeckung des FDR. Kilsheimer verbreitete bewusst Falschinformationen zu Trümmerteilen und FDR- dies könnte mit ihrer Tätigkeit am Pentagon zusammenhängen.
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